Navigating the Struggles of Special Education in Vermont

Vermont, once the place I believed would be perfect to raise my family, has turned into a battleground for us. As the parent of two daughters on the Autism Spectrum, I’ve learned that the values I grew up with—community, support, opportunity—feel out of reach in a system designed more to hinder than to help. For families like ours, raising children with special needs here is a journey filled with delays, denials, and dead ends. From the moment our girls were born, we’ve been fighting for basic services, faced with long waitlists for diagnoses and a severe shortage of developmental support.

Our youngest, Nora, just started kindergarten, and the future is a constant source of worry. Will she ever talk with me about her day? Will she know the joy of close friendships? Will she one day stand on her own as an independent adult? These questions keep me up at night, but we can’t let that fear paralyze us.

Every day feels like a fight—battling insurance companies, service providers, and the school system, just trying to secure what our daughters deserve. My wife, Jessica, and I spend endless hours studying IEPs, treatment plans, and service programs, trying to give our girls the best shot at a better future. We do it because we have no other choice. We do it because, in the end, we want to be able to say we gave them everything we had.

This website is born from that struggle. It’s here to share our journey—our frustrations, our victories, and our relentless pursuit of a better future for our kids. We hope our story offers guidance to other parents facing the same battles and serves as a call for meaningful change within the system. Together, we can push for a brighter tomorrow for all children who need just a little more help along the way.

The Sleepless Worry: Am I Doing Enough for My Child’s Future?

The thoughts that keep me awake at night often center around a deep, nagging question: am I doing enough to secure my child’s future? It’s a worry that resonates with nearly every parent, but for those of us raising children with disabilities, this concern becomes an ever-present, inescapable reality. It lingers with us as we navigate through daily life, a constant reminder of the weight we carry.

Common Questions

Below are some answers to common questions. If you have any other inquiries, please feel free to ask.

What challenges have you faced with the school district?

Our challenges with the school district have been overwhelming, especially in navigating the complex special education system. From the start, there has been a lack of meaningful communication and transparency. Meetings feel more like procedural checkboxes than collaborative efforts to help our daughter.

How have you advocated for Nora and Ella?

We’ve been proactive in our communications with the school district, requesting regular meetings to discuss her progress and ensure her needs are met. Despite our frustrations, we remain persistent in advocating for the resources Ella requires. This means pushing for an IEP that accurately reflects her needs, even when faced with resistance. With Nora, the transition to kindergarten has required us to be even more hands-on. We’ve established open lines of communication with her teachers and special education staff to discuss her daily experiences and any concerns we have.

What has been the most difficult part of your journey?

The most difficult part of my journey as a parent of two daughters on the Autism Spectrum has been the emotional toll of navigating a system that often feels unresponsive or misaligned with their needs. The constant worry about their futures—wondering if they will receive the support they require to thrive—can be overwhelming. This anxiety is compounded by the struggle to communicate effectively with the school district, especially when meetings feel unproductive or when our concerns seem to go unheard.

Can others share their similar experiences?

Absolutely, we encourage others to share their experiences. This blog is a space for support and collective advocacy.

Beyond Roadblocks: Our Journey

Explore the challenges we’ve faced with Essex-Westford School District.

Early Childhood

Navigating early support for our daughters’ needs.


Overcoming barriers to access necessary services.

IEP Process

Advocating for tailored educational plans and support.

Ongoing Advocacy

Continuing the fight for our children’s futures.

Contact us to share your experiences and stories.

If you have questions or want to discuss our journey, please reach out. We’re here to connect!

  • Shared Experiences: Find community with those facing similar challenges.
  • Support Network: Build connections for encouragement and advice.
  • Resource Exchange: Access valuable tips and advocacy strategies.
  • Empowerment: Learn how to effectively advocate for your child.
  • Collaboration: Join efforts to improve local special education services.

Jonathan Peach – Advocate and Parent